Monday, 8 November 2010

South Park - the day after bonfire night

Today's rain and wind made yesterday's sunshine seem even more special. Can't believe that the grey and dark time of year might have started now.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Picture Post

Friday, 2 July 2010

Patti Smith - Serpentine Session, 29 June 2010

Venue in waiting (for Patti Smith)

Here she is: Patti Smith and band!


Thursday, 17 June 2010


on the road
to Culham
was it just another one
of the cool fast gang
on two wheels,
mowed down
by two sets of four wheels?
Just another one
driving in the morning sun?
It was a teacher
on his way to school
to his class, not in any school.
In the European School
in Culham.
His class, waiting for him
to be late, as always.
Only this time, he was not late.
He was dead.
Not just another one.
He was a teacher.
Liked by many,
criticised by others.
(He was a teacher,
human after all)
Much missed by ALL of them
now and ever.
He will be remembered
for what he was.
for each of them and all.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Blue and Red

Encounter with Blue and Red on 29 May 2010. No idea where they were going, but their playful approach cheered me up for the rest of that day.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Enjoying the view from the top

Attics and restaurants on the top of buildings - like this one in the National Portrait Gallery - do tend to convey this feeling of being on top of it. Good.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

May holiday

May. It's cold again, and windy enough to make Jasper jump. Looks like he's sitting on thin air. The wind kept the clouds floating fast enough to hold on to the rain. The White Horse is well protected by suitable guidelines:

Obligingly, we walked around it, had an ice cream, and after lots of searching found a nice dry warm place from which to look out:

Friday, 16 April 2010

TeT or Technology eats Time

Spring. I spring. It's all looking good, tulips in all varieties of colours showing in different corners of the garden, back and front. Sitting in my attic, contemplating cameras. My rebel always seemed brilliant. Can't believe it's supposed to be out-dated now. Keeping up with time - technology - more time - and an awful lot more technology. It's eating time like no return. Should I chuck digital, go back to film? Every single picture was a conscious event in the days of film, which was kind of nice. Now every picture is just that - like every picture, everyone else's everyday every picture. But then there's the digital darkroom as well:

Monday, 5 April 2010


The plan: going out, taking spring pictures. I did go out, but it didn't quite feel like spring yet, and I didn't take pictures, apart from one in the house. Oh well. Another day tomorrow, and there might be sunshine!

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Snow melting

The big melt-down has started in Oxford. Looks like it's going to be a very wet day.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010


It's winter, isn't it? I saw so many people snapping snow with mobiles and cameras of all sizes and shapes. Here's a little contribution to the flood of snowy pictures.

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Sunday, 3 January 2010


Twenty ten or two thousand and ten, whatever. I don't really mind. Haven't found a way to consolidate pictures, thoughts, and the likes on the web yet. Want to do more with my pictures, but still haven't put much effort into my flickr account. Twitter is not my thing at all. Short bits of wisdom or everyday's ongoings don't seem to work for me, the same accounts for Facebook.